Thursday, March 26, 2009

Snatching Victory Out of the Jaws of Defeat Part 2

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If you read part one, you could have guesed that the hitches in this couple getting hitched were still there and tying things up. The wedding was postponed a week and rescheduled for the following Saturday. On Thursday or Friday, a small voice, popped up onto the phone:

ahem, cough, pause, could we reschedule to Sunday? Since all was paid for, the answer was a standard, absolutely. And so it went, Sunday came around, the bride and groom, resplendent in pink, arrived for some outdoor park photographs, DONE.

Then the schlep to Waldorf MD, 50 miles from the studio for the wedding. The church was one-step below a MEGA CHURCH in size, HUGE! Remember, this is a two person wedding. The minister, several deacons, and two other women were present. My suggestion was, walk yourself down the aisle. That is what she did, the wedding went off without a hitch, and they are hitched. DONE!!!!!!!!!!

The bride, now wife, left the next morning for a week of business travel, hubby stayed home. Such is the life of a Washington bride. OBTW, there was a Robin Egg Blue bag for me. Monogrammed cufflinks; classy woman. 

July 12, another wedding, same couple, 120 guests. Not done.

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