Monday, September 7, 2009

Blog from the Back Yard

Years ago, when I was a kid, many people were married in a home, their parents, a relative, or friends. Home marriages sort of fell out of favor in the 80s and 90s when we raced to find ways to spend our money in new and lavish ways.

Haylei and Craig had a lavish home wedding last week in sunny Herndon, Virginia. What made it special, unique, and lavish was the warmth, the love, the friendship that was evident and radiated from the bride and groom to each other and all of the guests.

It was warm, that Saturday, no it was HOT, darn Hot. Julie and Spike Williams of Williams Realty opened their home, with its cool pool, and booked the neighborhood Gazebo which overlooked a wonderful lake to host the Festivities. Reverend Daniel Kane tied the knot in front of family and friends and a horse and buggy. More on that later.

The guests assembled in the sun on hot white chairs and waited and waited for the bride. The groom was waiting, and then we HEARD the bride appear, clip, clop, clippty clop, she appeared in the distance in a white dress, sitting on red velvet, in horse drawn carriage. Haylei’s coach drove down the hill and made a wide turn, stopping at a long white runner which was straining to come loose and blow away in the wind. Dad went to work and escorted a beautiful daughter down the isle to Craig. Reverend Kane did his thing and the two became one.

Then it was party time. The bride and groom luxuriated in the carriage and started on a planned jaunt around the neighborhood. Up the hill they went and stopped. Guess what, it is hard for the horse to traverse a hill with a steel coach a driver, a bride and groom and a broken bridle. To make a long story short, 3 more attempts failed. Then the riders dismounted and the handler rolled the carriage back. The carriage driver and the horse handler got a running start and all barely made it over the crest of the hill with the driver and handler pulling. Once they made it, all the guests went straight for the cool ones. The musicians were old friends of the couple, knew their favorites, and just went to town. Splash, splash, splash, and three kids were in the pool, cool ones were disappearing, and the Sal-n-Don’s caterers were smoking up two barbeques with a great feast.
OBTW, the cupcake weddingcake was perfect for a poolside celebration and survived the heat.

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